citrus green tea

What is Citrus Green Tea?

Citrus green tea is a combined brew of green tea and citrus fruits. This is a tasty brew with green tea’s grassy and astringent flavor mixed with the tanginess of citrus fruits. Citrus green tea has an enticing taste and provides many health advantages. Different variations of this tea are available including the Earl Grey Green, Orange, and Lemon flavors. The types are classified as per the quantity of citrus and green tea. This variation results in the different strengths and flavors of the tea. Citrus green tea is prepared by allowing green tea leaves to steep in hot water. Citrus fruit slices or juice is added to the tea. Addition of the citrus fruits gives tanginess to the tea.

What is Citrus Green Tea for?

Citrus green tea is a healthy and tasty brew. The green tea component provides strong flavors and benefits. Citrus addition gives the tea a refreshing taste. For people wondering what is citrus green tea good for, here are some of the major advantages of citrus green tea:

  • Citrus green tea is an excellent alternative to beverages having high sugar content. It is hence a good choice for people trying to limit their sugar intake.
  • Citrus green tea’s flavor is its main attraction. It has the blended flavors of tangerine citrus fruits and grassy green tea leaves.
  • Citrus green tea has cultural significance. It was used many centuries back in Asian countries. Both citrus fruits and green tea are commonly used in the Asian continent.
  • Citrus green tea is also scientifically proven to give powerful health benefits.  The citrus in the tea helps the body to absorb catechins, which are powerful antioxidants present in green tea.
  • Citrus green tea gives good health and well-being. It is beneficial to the immune system in the body.
  • Citrus green tea has a naturally sweet flavor. It helps reduce sugar intake without losing its flavor. Since it does not contain artificial additives, it is the preferred choice for individuals conscious about their health.

Citrus Green Tea Benefits

Many beverages are prevalent now promising various health advantages. Citrus green tea stands apart with its special advantages.

Improves Health

Citrus green tea helps prevent chronic disease risk. The presence of antioxidants in Citrus green tea helps limit the risk. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea is an antioxidant. It helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. When the catechins join with citrus, they are absorbed quickly by the body resulting in increased health effects.

Immune Booster

Drinking citrus green tea daily helps to increase disease resistance in the body. The citrus fruits in the tea give vitamin C, which improves immunity and protects from colds and infections. People with inflammatory conditions like arthritis can feel better by drinking citrus green tea.

Aids in Weight Management

The role of citrus green tea in managing weight is phenomenal. On regular consumption, citrus green tea can help in weight management. It works by burning excess fat in the body resulting in weight loss and less pain. When added to a balanced diet and a routine exercise schedule, citrus green tea provides the best results.

What Does Citrus Green Tea Do?

Citrus green tea provides soothing and vitalizing effects in a balanced manner on the mind and body. It acts in the following ways:

  1. Citrus green tea makes the digestive process efficient. It works by:
  • Increasing secretion of digestive juices
  • Breaking down food 
  • Increasing nutrient absorption from the food

Citrus green tea may help with common digestive problems like constipation and bloating.

  1. Citrus green tea promotes heart health. It has beneficial compounds like antioxidants, which reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Heart disease risk is reduced and good cholesterol levels are improved by the beneficial compounds. They also maintain vascular health through their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  2. Citrus green tea has a moderate amount of caffeine. The stimulant gives an energy boost to the body. Unlike coffee, which is known to have a highly stimulating effect, citrus green tea has a milder effect. This property makes it a good choice for people who need a sustained energy boost throughout the day. The brew also improves concentration power.

Green tea has amino acid L-theanine, which works with caffeine in the tea to improve cognitive function and induce calm awareness.

How to Make Citrus Green Tea?

Making citrus green tea is a process that needs utmost care. The appropriate blend of ingredients and the precise amount of time are vital. The preparation steps are given below:

  1. Choose top-quality green tea. It can be in the form of leaves or bags. The quality is important as it reflects on the beverage’s flavor and the benefits it provides.
  2. For the citrus component, choose fresh fruits. Limes, lemons, grapefruits, or oranges are preferred choices. The fruits have essential oils and natural juices that make the tea aromatic.
  3. Heat water to a temperature of 80 to 85 degrees Celsius.
  4. Steep the green tea in the hot water for not more than three minutes.
  5. After three minutes is over, add the juice of a citrus fruit of your choice. Add one or two slices of the fruit also to give an added flavor.
  6. You can add natural sweeteners like agave syrup or honey. Spices and herbs, like ginger and mint, are also optional choices. These taste enhancers give a more varied flavor to the tea.
  7. The flavor and benefits of citrus green tea are based on the changes you make to it. The customization varies from individual to individual but the result should be to make a balanced blend that is enjoyable to drink and provides its full health benefits.

How Long to Steep Citrus Green Tea?

Citrus green tea needs adequate steeping time to derive the desired taste and health advantages. In general, 3 minutes is enough to steep the tea. But the time can vary based on personal taste and the type of green tea leaves or bags used. It is best to experiment with longer or shorter steeping times. Starting with the recommended time of 3 minutes and varying it a bit as per taste and the type of leaves and fruits used will help.

A long steeping time makes the brew bitter, while a shorter steeping time will deprive the tea of its flavor and health benefits.

Making minor changes to the process can give the desired flavor and potency to the tea. With a short steeping time, the brew will have a subtle and light flavor. For a stronger flavor and potent health benefits, a longer steeping time is needed. But make sure the time is not too long to make the brew bitter.

What Does Citrus Green Tea Taste Like?

Citrus green tea is a pleasing blend of flavors. Its flavors include a unique grassy note and a mild astringent taste. The citrus addition gives the tea mild sweet, tart, and bright notes. The flavor of the blend varies based on three main factors:

  1. The quality of green tea
  2. The citrus fruit added to the tea
  3. Preparation method

A proper method of preparation is when the tea is not excessively bitter to taste. The citrus fruit addition to green tea balances the bitter flavor. It gives the tea a pleasant and smooth taste. The taste can be further improved using flavoring agents like ginger or mint. Natural sweeteners also improve the taste.

How Much Citrus Green Tea Should I Drink?

The right amount of citrus green tea that can provide the desired health advantages without any adverse effects requires a careful balance. According to experts, two to three cups in a day is sufficient to get the health benefits fully.  But there are some considerations:

  • For people who are intolerant to caffeine, it is best to limit the intake of citrus green tea. Limited consumption will help to avoid problems like sleeplessness or restlessness.
  • Drinking copious amounts of citrus green tea can hamper with body’s nutrient levels. It can also interact with some medications. So, the tea should be had in moderation.
  • Add sweeteners with caution. Use high-quality green tea and add organic ingredients to brew it. If you do not include intentionally, you can reduce the risks and increase the advantages.

How Much Caffeine in Citrus Green Tea?

A cup of citrus green tea contains 20-45 milligrams of caffeine. This is just half of the levels found in coffee. Citrus fruits improve the absorption of the healthy ingredients in the tea. The citrus added to the tea does not affect the caffeine content. For people sensitive to the stimulant, it is best to reduce the amount of green tea consumed per day. Adjusting the frequency as per the tolerance levels will help.

Citrus green tea is a healthy and invigorating drink. It gives the benefits of its special ingredients, green tea and citrus fruits. You can simply savor the pleasing flavors of the drink and enjoy the health advantages it offers.  Or, you can drink it especially to garner the health advantages it offers like managing your weight, improving heart health, or boosting your immunity.

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